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Can you smell that? It's print on paper, retro 96 sheet just like papa used to press. An intentful blast from the past (and a whole lot of fun to create) that merged cutting edge tech with the good old days of large scale classic automotive advertising.
Client: Honda
ECD: Dan Rutherford
Strategy: Julian Earl
Creative Directors: Robert Amstell / Matt Lancod
Business Lead: Alec Campbell
Account Director: Philly Russell
Producers: Alexandra Politis / Carrie Hards
Design & Artwork by Electric Studios
Executive Producer: Ben Honour
Producers: Naima Vogt, Rosie Corbett
DOOH Producer: George Cooper
Creative Director: Stefano Ottaviano
Lead Designers: Kurt Champion, Ben King, Ben Wood
Artworkers: Victoria Pascual Maynou, Sam Tomson
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